I do not sell hatching eggs. I stopped in 2017. I heard too much whining from folks who couldn't hatch an egg to save their life. Adult birds only. I start shipping in mid - October as soon as it's cool enough to send. I don't take non refundable deposits from people like the shysters do all year round. I tell folks to stay in touch with me during the summer to see how things are coming along. When it gets near time to ship I'll start to take payments in full. Feel free to contact me anytime. I've had people for years say, "Put me on the list !" Well, I learned a long time ago not to bother with that one. For a couple years I took long lists of names and numbers of people all excited to get the birds all winter,spring,and summer. When it came near time to start shipping I went down the list and called everybody. Most either forgot they ever talked to me or even who I was,or made an excuse to get out of buying the birds. Some said that they'd get back to me but never did. I go by the old saying,"money talks,bullshit walks". Serious customers only. I've learned to be more choosy of who I sell to these days. Like I've mentioned,these aren't novices' birds. I don't think it's a good idea to sell someone any of these three breeds if they've never had anything but Button Quail in wire quail jails. Please do your research on these before you consider getting into them. Like I said I'll be happy to answer any of your questions anytime.
Starting in the fall of 2019 I will be increasing my prices a bit because of the supply and demand. Most breeders throughout the country had a terrible season with these. I had my first bad year in around 18 years with Mountains. My Mearns kicked in late, so I didn't raise anywhere near what I normally do. I did have a really good Elegant season though, raising the most in the country. I sell pairs only. I won't sell extra hens unless I happen to hatch heavy on hens. That leaves me stuck with a bunch of extra males that take longer to sell. Current prices- Mearns pairs $400 Elegant pairs. $225 Mountain pairs $150 . I take either PayPal or Postal money orders. |
Contact MeFor current availability and updates please call or email:
Scott O'Brien
PO Box 243 Jefferson,Maine 04348 PH# 207 549 5473 E mail - maineexoticquail@ gmail.com |